Category: Windows Server

Azure Tags and Virtual Machines

February 25, 2023 By JeffTechs

I have been incredibly remiss the last 6 months. After passing my last certification, I moved onto studying AWS while setting up Intune and AutoPilot at my previous organization; also, I was looking for Federal employment and planning a cross country move. The good news is that all of those projects are complete. On the […]

Adding Pronouns to Active Directory

March 21, 2022 By JeffTechs

More companies are adopting pronouns with digital identities. It’s not just social media platforms; C-Suite and staff are looking to add pronouns to their Outlook and even their Windows login. While it may be easy enough to do this for a few users, updating an entire organization with hundreds (or thousands) of people is incredibly […]

Windows Time Service: Check and change NTP Servers

March 11, 2022 By JeffTechs

It’s easy to forget how crucial time synchronization is across a network/domain until it stops working. After you setup your Domain controller and pick a time zone, it should all just work–and it typically does. However, if you manage Windows Servers for long enough, this is probably going to be something you have to mess […]

Manage Chrome through Windows Server GPO

March 10, 2022 By JeffTechs

I’ve been remiss with keeping up with my technical articles. I’ve devoted a lot of time to studying for the RHCSA, and last week, I passed on the first try. Feels amazing to achieve that goal; and no better way to celebrate a Linux achievement, than to write an article about Windows Server :-). Web […]

Windows Global Catalog Server and Powershell

December 28, 2021 By JeffTechs

I’ve been working on the RHCSA, an Exchange migration and updating an Active Directory forest for the last few months, so I haven’t been writing as much as I’d like to. There’s quite a bit of new information I’ve picked up recently, but this was something I wanted to touch base on before (potentially) writing […]

New System’s Administrator/Engineer Script

September 30, 2021 By JeffTechs

A few months ago I started looking for a new job. I wasn’t excited to start over again, but I wanted more challenges and technologies to work on. I remember starting my first few technology jobs, and thinking how difficult it was to find documentation for the servers and networks–I was even left to figure […]

Windows Server DNS: Failover and Forwarding

September 29, 2021 By JeffTechs

DNS is pretty crucial in a domain environment. If you pull up DNS on your domain controller(s), you can see a listing of, well, a lot of different stuff–PC names to start in DNS > Forward Lookup Zones > domain name. There’s also reverse lookup zones, possibly even mail server records and even more. DNS […]