Month: March 2022

Adding Pronouns to Active Directory

March 21, 2022 By JeffTechs

More companies are adopting pronouns with digital identities. It’s not just social media platforms; C-Suite and staff are looking to add pronouns to their Outlook and even their Windows login. While it may be easy enough to do this for a few users, updating an entire organization with hundreds (or thousands) of people is incredibly […]

Windows Time Service: Check and change NTP Servers

March 11, 2022 By JeffTechs

It’s easy to forget how crucial time synchronization is across a network/domain until it stops working. After you setup your Domain controller and pick a time zone, it should all just work–and it typically does. However, if you manage Windows Servers for long enough, this is probably going to be something you have to mess […]

Mounting FileSystems and AutoFS in CentOS/RHEL 8

March 10, 2022 By JeffTechs

I haven’t worked in an environment yet that didn’t share some sort of files over the network. Even some end users are trained to setup network drives and OneDrive/SharePoint syncing. Having multiple copies of the same file can be a dangerous thing (not talking about back-ups), and network sharing can help everyone keep a focused […]

Manage Chrome through Windows Server GPO

March 10, 2022 By JeffTechs

I’ve been remiss with keeping up with my technical articles. I’ve devoted a lot of time to studying for the RHCSA, and last week, I passed on the first try. Feels amazing to achieve that goal; and no better way to celebrate a Linux achievement, than to write an article about Windows Server :-). Web […]