Category: Azure

Azure Alerts: KQL, VM Availability and More

May 8, 2023 By JeffTechs

Alerts. It can be the word that induces anxiety in some, or a sense of comfort for others. In modern technology, you cannot have reliable systems without alerts. The challenge is creating meaningful alerts. And with any architectural decision, the most prudent choices are made from understanding an organization’s intents and direction. While it’s difficult […]

Azure Tags and Virtual Machines

February 25, 2023 By JeffTechs

I have been incredibly remiss the last 6 months. After passing my last certification, I moved onto studying AWS while setting up Intune and AutoPilot at my previous organization; also, I was looking for Federal employment and planning a cross country move. The good news is that all of those projects are complete. On the […]

Adding Pronouns to Active Directory

March 21, 2022 By JeffTechs

More companies are adopting pronouns with digital identities. It’s not just social media platforms; C-Suite and staff are looking to add pronouns to their Outlook and even their Windows login. While it may be easy enough to do this for a few users, updating an entire organization with hundreds (or thousands) of people is incredibly […]

Azure Group License Assignment

August 17, 2021 By JeffTechs

Adding Office 365 licenses to users isn’t necessarily an arduous task, but letting security group assignment (whether on-premise or in Azure) provision the licenses for you is a nice way to automate the process. This can also make licensing reporting easier by simply looking at group assignment. To start, create a group with a relevant […]

Azure Security Defaults

May 10, 2021 By JeffTechs

With more and more organizations moving into the cloud space, it’s greatly improved employees ability to work from a variety of locations and still remain productive. That access is not limited solely to employees. With their ability to access company resources, it allows other non-desirable people to access those resources as well. The cloud, by […]

MFA Setup in Azure

May 7, 2021 By JeffTechs

If you are using the free version of Azure, there is only one way to properly turn on MFA. This is located under the blank section. This will remove the ability for everyone in your cloud tenant to authenticate using legacy software and protocols. The issue with this method is that it will turn it […]